Bold and Braided Crown

What You'll Need:

Start by spraying dry shampoo on your roots. Then, work it through the rest of your hair.

Next, part your hair with a comb, starting at your forehead to the back of your neck.

Now, take half of your hair and separate the front into three even sections. Start a braid right above your ear, then add in new pieces from the back as you keep braiding. This will make it a French braid.

As you French braid, guide it down and towards the back. This helps contour the braid around your head to create that crown feel.

Then, switch to a regular braid, and tie with an elastic.

Do the same thing on the other side, so you have two braids.

Now, take both of your braids and crisscross them at the back of your head.

Finally, tuck the ends of each braid under the other (right behind each ear) and use a hairpin to keep it in place.